Wednesday, 6 January 2010

When one steps off the treadmill of life

   I haven't updated the blog for a few days now, but it is because I have been taking a breather.

   It all started on the Sunday after the New Year when the Husband suggested we go to our nearest shopping mall.  Not necessarily to shop, unless we found something that we really, really liked - a matter of life and death I'm talking about here.  It is a good job that we are not shoppers.  Anyway...

   To be honest, I initially didn't want to go.  I had just got another idea for my business and I wanted to stay home and work on it.  And maybe read the paper, time permitting.  But I was aware that the Husband was bored, so I said yes to his suggestion and off we went.  And what a wonderful time we had!  We haven't laughed like we did on that day (and since then) for a long time.  The finale was when we went into this wonderful buffet Chinese restaurant (the kind where you order the food, they cook it and bring it to your table) and just ate too much food.  Way too much!  But it was something we hadn't done in a long time, what with me developing product range for my business, him building up his business, without forgetting the stresses of everyday life.  Stresses which played havoc with our sex life (I'm glad to report that all is back to normal now!).  They were also making me bite his head off; I'm sure he was wondering if I still loved him, and I was wondering that too, but it was because I was angry with him.  Even when we managed to sort out the issue I was angry with him at.

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